Manipulation Games 1: The “One Upmanship Expert”

In this Manipulation Game the manipulator is expert in any possible topic, corrects your smallest mistakes, finds your weak points and reminds you of them with pretending being of your help

At times, I think I am an expert and armored against it. But yet again, I am struck again. In the middle of a conversation I feel stupid, ignorant and unprepared. Not in the first time I got entrapped in a Manipulation Game.

First of all I am confused because I have a deep gut feeling that what’s going on is not stemming from me. I am angry to my opponent because she shepherded me into this situation.

At the same time I’m ashamed because I don’t have a good answer to her question.

Wait a minute: this question was not on the topic and out of context! By the way, it was a perfect hit to an uncertain point of mine. I have no time to think it over, because there is a sense of urgency. I have to answer further questions which all show how much I failed in the task we are talking about, in contrast to my opponent who is irrevocable in it. With these boiling emotions in the back of my mind, I cannot even give those “right” answers that I have.

I don’t even want to. I don’t want to take an exam at the moment – I proved myself enough before.

She turns the dialogue into a self-puffing monologue: just to lecture me how wonderfully she solved this problem, flavoring with what I should do to reach her heights… I am furious… She notices, and explains: “I just want to help you!” sprinkled with a little hint of incomprehension and doubt in my ability to withstand critique.

Dead end: I cannot argue, because I am labeled hypersensitive to critique, or my argument shows “resistance” which of course shows my flawed point in the conversation. No other option but surrender.

The most annoying point is that she correctly pointed to a weak point. I would be grateful for this help – if it was not surrounded by this emotional turmoil.

I bet this is a familiar feeling for most of you: once in a while we all can run into this type of “One-Upmanship Experts”. This a kind of manipulation which concentrates on the “One-Upmanship Experts” gains while disregarding your interest and feelings. The main goal is not helping you as it is usually stated, but showing off with exaggerated competence thus feeding self-esteem on the other side. This is where you annoyance comes from.

One-Upmanship expert has a need to gain the higher ground against others. S/he is talented to spot the vulnerable points and gain an advantage by it. Putting down others, being “the expert” in almost every topic and minimizing the values of others help them feel superior and gain status. They prove their competence by focusing on other people’s mistakes and stick to the one absolute truth concept. It allows them not to focus on their own weaknesses and shame so they can avoid the sometimes painful introspection.

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More Manipulation Games:

Manipulation Games 2: The Dependent in Charge

Manipulation Games 3: The Constant Victim

Manipulation Games 4: Iron Fist

Manipulation Games 5: Triangulator

Manipulation Games 6: Flirt

Manipulation Games 7: Projection

Manipulation Games 8: Best Defense Is Offense

Manipulation Games 9: Intentional Misinterpretation


Six Signs of an Abusive Relationship


Would you be aware of it if you were in an abusive relationship? 

At my most recent check up, a pretty nurse prepared me for the visit. Her fine face was decorated by a dark circle encompassing her eye – almost surely caused by the viscous hand of her “loved one”. She was obviously deep in her ruins but was valiantly pretending everything’s all right. I was inclined to give her a warm embrace and tell her how much I am sorry about what had happened to her.

I was wondering: how many people got into the situation when their partners who are suppose to give them love, appreciation and support turns against them. Still others might wonder why they are not leaving their abusive partner.

Once in a while most of us get handled in a non-respectful way, and it would be irresponsible to break up after every conflict. On the other hand, the unfair but usual maneuver of an abusive partner to make the victim believe that she or he is responsible for the bad turns of events is not acceptable. In addition most of the time the really dirty part of the mistreatment happens in disguise; hidden before the superficial observation.

Although mostly unrecognized by the suffering participants, there are characteristic features of an abusive relationship – whether if it is physical, verbal or emotional abuse.

1: Low Self-Esteem, Self-Blame
If you have low self-esteem and you are not confident enough in your thinking, you are to partially blame for the wrong turn in the relationship. It might not have originated from yourself, but it can be the effect of the regular undermining tactics: labeling, judging, put downs, and constant critique. You might even adopt your partner’s opinion: “You have to be fixed.”

2: Confusion – Frustration – Anger – Helplessness – Hopelessness
You are confused of what is happening. You are hurt from the put downs. You are angry because of the unfair treatment. You are embarrassed about the relationship partly because you think it’s your failure, partly because you put up with your partner’s behavior.

Most of all you feel hopeless, helpless and entrapped in the relationship, not knowing why is it happening and what to do about it.

3: Imbalance in Power and Control
If you listen to the actions instead of the words, you see that you give way more into the relationship than your partner, while s/he is the one who sets the rules. There is a definite imbalance in the power and control.

4: Responsibility shift
There is a very strange sense of responsibility: you are responsible for everything including the relationship and your partner’s feeling, while your partner has no responsibility whatsoever.

5: Manipulative emotion – induction
Your actions are driven by guilt, shame and anxiety. If you don’t do certain tasks in a specific manner, you are deemed inadequate. Generally, your partner makes you feel “Not good enough.” This is why you have to accomplish more and more and more, compensating for your “failures”. No matter the ongoing efforts, you’re not good enough. This is the ways/he gets you doing what s/he wants.

6: Your rights and interest are not considered
It might be hazy, because on the surface there is usually a pretense: “Love of my life.” Or “I make it because I want to help you!” But if you look into the real happenings, you will see how much it is against your will, interest and rights.

If you recognized yourself in the picture, don’t be scared: you’ve made the first step. The essence of overriding manipulation is getting a clear picture about what is truly happening.

If you think you can change your manipulator, I have to disappoint you: you cannot. But you have chances if you learn to react differently to the manipulation, you can change the process itself.

Warning: If you have a physically abusive partner; don’t experiment, seek physical security immediately!

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My biggest pain in my controlling relationship

Short Survey about what makes a Controlling Relationship Difficult

Dear Reader,

I need your help: I am working on a program to help people who are struggling in manipulative, controlling, abusive relationship.

Once in a while every one of us experience any form of manipulation, sometimes we get into a controlling relationship. Then we all feel the confusion, the anger, the frustration and all different kind of negative feelings. I would like to create something which addresses the most important aspects of it. Because of that I ask you to fill out this 2 question survey if you have or had experience with it! I don’t ask your name, only your opinion!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

From Strings to Wings: Reveal and Override Emotional Manipulation

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Unconventional Parenting?

Being in body contact with our small children most of the time considered unconventional? Really? How long do you look back in time?


After the Time Magazine Cover Story: “Are you mom enough?” the age old parenting debate gained new momentum. Interestingly we easily got strongly emotional about it. No wonder: how we were raised awaken powerful feelings and memories in us, and how we raise our kids touches ground within our conscience.

Anderson Cooper confronts us with a question on his website:“Are you an unconventional parent?” Initially, the question confused me. What is unconventional? Is it the millions of years old affectionate, closeness seeking child rearing or the less than hundred years old stimuli-response based non-affectionate style? And more importantly: which advice should we follow?

In understanding their differences, we need to see these two distinct approaches and their theoretical backgrounds.

When researchers made cross cultural comparisons with the Ainsworth “Strange Situation Test” which was the first measurement of the attachment type, they were not able to conduct the test with Bushman mothers and babies because the mothers were not willing to leave their baby alone for three minutes. It is reasonable to believe that baby left alone in the middle of the Savannah would face certain death. Although the observation happened in our time period, the Bushman lifestyle is quite close to our ancestor’s life. As our genetic changes are delayed compared to the environmental changes, our present genetic makeup is selected to function best in that hunter-gatherer environment.

Everything that would have been bothersome then is stressful now. If a baby is left alone means certain death, we can understand why babies seek constant contact with their care–giver.

Sensitive mothers often report the reciprocal feeling; they experience the separation anxiety if they have to leave the child even in a secure place. Tribal culture and rural environments tend to follow the ancient pattern with lots of body contact and long lasting easy accessibility between mother and child.

Blame the industrialization!  Nowadays, due to the women’s work commitment, Eden has gone and babies have lost their possibility to stay within reach of mom.

The opponents state that the baby needs to learn soothing on their own. The care giver has to control basically everything without any concern whatsoever to the baby’s needs or wants. Where do these ideas originate?

In the beginning of the XXth century when psychology only begun to unfold its wings, a powerful movement started in America whose objective was to purify the new science and investigate only those subjects that are scientifically measurable. In this approach behavior stayed in the focus of attention. At first they ignored feelings, thoughts, evaluations, and anything which can be reached by the sinful “introspection”. Later they denied the latter’s mere existence. Even consciousness fell into this category.

What they discovered was incredibly trainable learning machines. Yes, they were right:  consequent stimuli-response sequences wide range of behavior can be taught to lab rats – which were their main experimental objects – and almost anything can be taught to humans.

Is it a surprise? Hardly. Behavior ecologists claim that one of the “species specific” characteristics for humans is the incredibly high capability of learning. From the evolutionary point of view: the lower a species is on the “evolutionary ladder”, the more its genetic inheritance leads its behavior. The higher a species is in the evolutionary ladder, the more learning controls the behavior.

Even though capability of learning can be the highest among people compared to the animal kingdom, it is a mistake to believe we don’t have anything else like feelings, instincts or inner motivation.

You might sit before the window and be looking out into the thin air. From the behavior perspective that’s it and nothing more. At the same time, inside you, you can daydream about your future, you might replay the kind words what your spouse whispered in your ear last night, or you might be raging about your boss who gave a promotion to your less talented but two faced opponent. Subjectively, this is what matters, not merely the sitting and looking.

Translating it to the child rearing, you can teach your children that no matter how long she cries, you will not go into the room. Sooner or later she would stop crying. It is the behavior part. What is not that obvious from the behaviorist perspective is that during the process, she learns that you (and through you the whole world) is not good to fulfill her needs, crying (or communicating negative feelings) is not worth it because there is no reply, and that she is not worthy enough for you (and the world) to respond to her call.

In other words: you build up trust issues, avoidant communication style and low self-esteem.

If you are an orthodox behaviorist, you might say this is untrue! There is no such thing as trust, communication style and self-esteem, only the conditioned answer. Then you don’t have to consider how you can support its development in your child. But if you think it was an oversimplified theory of the 1930-es, then it’s high time to revise its practical implication to child rearing.

For today psychologists agree that over the stimuli-response conditioning, children learn mostly from modeling their parents’ behavior. The first point is when children learn something about empathy when their parents empathize with them. Later on they have to learn to imagine themselves in the other’s situation and predict others’ state of mind. However, this all builds up on their original experience that the care giver understood and responded to their needs.

Taking their requests seriously, we also model respect for a person and for feelings in general.  Sure enough, the opposite is true. If we don’t consider the child’s feelings, we should not be surprised if the child grows up and doesn’t respect the care giver’s feeling either.

Cognitive development goes hand in hand with emotional development. If we ignore that, the child naturally seeks closeness for security and she might experience a wide variety of feelings while exploring the world. We might compromise her balanced development.

Theory in practice: with all my respect to Mr. J.B. Watson for his contribution to the theory of behaviorism, I need to reveal that his strict, learning-theory based non-affectionate child rearing practice ended up with deeply injured children. Two of them committed suicide, and a third one struggled with his physical and mental health until his early death. You can read about it from first hand in the following book: Mariette Hartley: Breaking the Silence

Learning theory is valuable and working, but it is only a piece of reality. We cannot restrict ourselves and our child rearing practices to such a narrow attention path which concentrates only the immediately observable behavior of a child. There is so much more in the background that needs to be considered: the early experiences and the type of the attachment, building up trust, teaching communication, supporting cooperation, emotion regulation just to name a few.

Seeing the cultural history of humankind and the different approaches of the psychology itself, the secure bonding, closeness seeking, the long nursing way of child rearing is far more conventional then fallowing the methods of a last century intentionally narrowed scientific approach. Moreover: more and more data suggest that it is much healthier than the last century affection-denying style.

“Discovering ME!”

Interactive Online Program for Bulletproof Self-Esteem!


Somebody told me once not to be sensitive, after he threw a mean comment to my head. I felt bad enough because of the comment. In addition I felt even worse because I was labeled contemptuously sensitive. Was that actually true?

Partly yes, partly no. Let’s separate the facts and the evaluation! Am I sensitive? Most probably I am. Is this bad? Not at all! This is necessary for my job, and this is highly beneficial for maintaining fruitful social connections – which I appreciate most.

This itself would be enough for confidence and vote to keep sensitivity – not that we could change our characteristics by pure will.

But I went even further: why did this person considered sensitivity a negative trait and made me feel bad about it? Slowly I solved his riddle: occasionally he liked to tell mean things and he didn’t want to bear the consequences. If he can make me change and not showing my hurt feelings (which would be the result of not being sensitive), he is free to bully me anytime…

Since I realized that, I am proud to be sensitive, and use this feature for my and for the others advantage in my work and in my family.

With this program I help you to clarify foggy bad feelings, resentments and insecurities surrounding you!
Getting relief from similar grudges is only one part of its benefits. More importantly you can find your brightly shining side!

Let’s fill clear water into the glass! – tells the Hungarian proverb: Let’s clarify exactly:


Expressed in a positive way!

What are your best personality traits, main values and what do you expect from yourself?

This program guides you through the process with details. You can leave yourself to my lead, fill up the worksheets, consider my questions and clarify your traits. At the end of the program you might be filled with new discoveries about yourself.

New discoveries might associate with new evaluations and what we all need:



Below, let me show you the tool, which makes it simple! The name of the tool is “JigsawBox”. This is an Online Coaching tool which guarantees confidentiality, and allows access to specific information, plus gives place to send questions – comments to each other.

The video tutorial shows you how easy it is working with it!

Are you ready to jump on board?


Do you need more information about the program?

Find here: Discovering ME! Online Program.

Path: Menu > “Online Programs” > Discovering ME!


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