Tag: assertive
Type of communication in which both the self and the other's interest and rights are respected.
Acknowledge Understand Accept Empathize Importance is in this order When I was a new immigrant to America, iI was exposed to many unfamiliar things coupled with complete bewilderment. Shortly thereafter, I was attending a local college to learn English as a second language. At the end of the year, I was …
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425.280.2643 Hi, this is Zita Fekete with “Ask an Expert!” Answering your love and relationship questions. Question: “I feel like my husband is a dirty fighter. He calls me names, he’s manipulative, he gives me the silent treatment. How can I get him to stop acting like this and fight with me in a fair …
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Question: “I have this feeling in my marriage that I’m never good enough. My husband often compares to his mother who was perfect, or his sister who does no wrong, and I am really resentful. How can I show him what this is doing to our marriage?” Answer: “Great Question! You are not alone with …
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Guilt Trip, Silent Treatment, Threat, Attacking Self Esteem, Excessive Criticism and Provoking Competition – all can serve one goal: make you doing what the “provocateur” wants you to… What people consider manipulation might be defined differently case by case. The common outcome is making the target feel seriously uncomfortable if they don’t perform the will …
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With open, straight communication and with insight to what’s going on the surface and in the hidden level. The 3 important points I can summarize in regards to the complex task are: A: We must not use manipulative techniques to control our children’s behavior! We need to take responsibility for our words, actions, and requests! …
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