In this manipulation game the manipulator wards off confrontation with attack Brianna came home from the party late at night, way later than it was agreed upon. Her mother was relieved when she returned home and consequently postponed the confrontation for a day later. The next day she reprimanded her for being late. This action …
Tag: assertive
Type of communication in which both the self and the other's interest and rights are respected.
Sep 12
Manipulation Games 1: The “One Upmanship Expert”
In this Manipulation Game the manipulator is expert in any possible topic, corrects your smallest mistakes, finds your weak points and reminds you of them with pretending being of your help At times, I think I am an expert and armored against it. But yet again, I am struck again. In the middle of a …
Apr 17
“She always knew who she was…”
What makes us free spirited, self confident creatures? Once I had a friend. I loved her dearly not because she was so obedient and easy to handle, but because of her firm, opinionated nature… She was called Renee, and she was a 3 year old mare when I first saw her. Her life began …
Jan 17
Revealing Emotional Manipulation
Do you catch yourself doing sometimes what you don’t want to just to avoid being ridiculed, criticized, put down, labeled or other way pressurized? This presentation is for you! I have no doubt about that we are all affected: parents, partners or the salesman in the door sometimes try to get us doing something, what we …