Feeling confused, frustrated and angry?
Do you have doubts about your loved one?
On the surface he – she is nice and seemingly caring, but you can’t stop feeling cheated on, lied to and taken advantage of?
When you confront him – her:
He – she blames you for your feelings.
Not only for your your feelings… For everything!
It’s not your fault! It might be emotional manipulation.
And you are not the only one with whom this is happening!
Mini Online Training guides you through what you need to know about Emotional Manipulation, and what you can do about it.
From Strings To Wings
1/ Basic Principles
2/ The Manipulator’s Characteristics
3/ The Dirty Tactics
4/ Your Vulnerabilities
5/ Buying Time
6/ Disregard (Invoked) Emotions
7/ Broken Record and other Non-Defensive Communication
8/ Safeguard Yourself
9/ Naming and Blocking Manipulation
10/ Set Your Terms
I’d be happy to help you to understand what’s happening around you and working out an action plan based on our understanding!
If you need more personalized help, please contact me.