Narcissistic people can be very difficult to deal with: they are self-absorbed, they focus on themselves, they might be hyper-arrogant, demanding, entitled and there is no way you could convince them to take responsibility for their action. None of us dream to raise children who will then look through us or exploit us when they …
Tag: connection
Link, tie and/or communication between two or more people.
Apr 15
Personality Disorder Under The Lens
Personality Disorder – not label, not put down, but no excuse for bad behavior: what is it then? Attaching a mental health diagnosis to each other has become fashionable lately. Recently, statements in the press stating Trump is a narcissist, the neighbor is borderline, and the boss is bipolar are pretty commonplace. In defense …
Feb 26
4 Reasons Why ADHD Is Epidemic in America (but not in Europe)
Considering ADHD our focus might be in the wrong place Thanks to the challenge made by one professor of pediatrics, the ADHD argument received new momentum recently. In his published opinion, “ADHD does disservice to children as a diagnosis,” Dimitri Christakis, of Seattle Children’s Hospital said he considers that the “attentional capacity” varies from …