Tag: “cry out method”
In order to fall asleep parents leave the baby crying alone in the room initially for minutes later longer and longer time. It's goal teaching babies to soothe themselves, in reality they learn parents are not accessible in case of stress, there is no point to communicate my stress with them.
Narcissistic people can be very difficult to deal with: they are self-absorbed, they focus on themselves, they might be hyper-arrogant, demanding, entitled and there is no way you could convince them to take responsibility for their action. None of us dream to raise children who will then look through us or exploit us when they …
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Being in body contact with our small children most of the time considered unconventional? Really? How long do you look back in time? After the Time Magazine Cover Story: “Are you mom enough?” the age old parenting debate gained new momentum. Interestingly we easily got strongly emotional about it. No wonder: how we were …
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Love, attachment, encouragement, trust, discipline, cooperation, independence, and control… what, when and why: shortly I’m sure you can be proud of yourself: you put incredible amount of time, effort and energy to raise your child or children. Most of us do if we have them, and almost never have the acknowledgement for good parenting …
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