For Understanding and Solving Relationship Problems
If you feel like struggling with your loved one!
If you are not sure what’s the real reason why!
If you don’t want to lose your partner, but feel like you cannot keep up with the relationship this way any longer!
If you feel frustrated and disappointed because you tried everything what came to your mind to solve the problem without any success!
This might be your chance to revive the long desired love and affection.
When You Signed Up to the “Wise Love” Program, you will have a personal – confidential account where you will get content. What content? You can read the details below.
You will get assessments, worksheets, audio and video and of course lots of written information! I already prepared many-many questions for you, which help you to clarify your present situation, and your possible solutions!
But this Program is even more than that: it provides you with the possibility to answer my questions, and ask me more questions according to the topic of every each chapter. We can maintain daily online contact, – like the chat function in more sites – so I can work with you on your most urgent and pressurizing problem; almost personally , through the internet.
You cannot imagine yet what makes it possible, and how does it work? I don’t wonder. It is a brand new service, it is called: “JigsawBox” which is an Online coaching tool. An English lady created it for therapists and coaches like me, because she wanted to make possible for us extending our services for people who are far away from us, and who cannot afford or don’t want to pay expensive counseling sessions.
Why do I say it is “Wise Love”?
Because I focus on understanding the problem, and finding the solution for that.
How can I understand the problem?
I lead you through a series of self assessment: you can figure out your personality traits, values, needs and expectations, and you can refresh what was important in the beginning of your relationship.
What is even more helpful; you can assess your partner expectations, needs, personality traits and values. You might work together if you want and able to, or you can guess his/her answers – or completely leave out that part!
At the end of the Self-Assessment Part you will have a fairly clear – and in some point quite new insight about what causes problem between the two of you. You will be “wiser” to see your situation through these assignments.
I agree: understanding is not enough. You have to do something to solve the problem. And lots of the time when partners cannot get along the main problem is that they are not able to communicate effectively what they want, what they need.
I assembled 7 chapter about communication: all discusses the topic from different point of view, and some has direct practical suggestion how you can resolve conflicts, claim your need, protect yourself from manipulation and what makes emotional connection work.
Does it cost money? – Yes. It is $ 147.
You might feel it’s a lot… It might be a plenty for lots of people.
But if this is something that saves your relationship, it may be worth it.
I say something else: it costs less than two hours of counseling, while working out all the assignment takes more than two hours, in addition you’ve got a 16 minutes Relax-Guided Imagery exercise, plus as a bonus a 20 minutes Skype counseling session.
So let’s see the details! What will you get if you register for this program?
This program is designed to understand and solve problems, while keeping you relaxed and focused on positive outcome;
Introduction – the right and left side of the brain
FIRST PART – For the right hemisphere
My nicest future – Relaxation and Guided Imagery Audio and Text
SECOND PART – For the left hemisphere
Self assessment worksheets – workable alone or with partner
1: How we hooked up? – History of the Relationship Worksheet
2: Viva Superman! – Expectations Worksheet
3: What do you die for? – Value Clarification Worksheet
4: Trust versus Freedom? – Needs Worksheet
5: The good the bad and the ugly – Personality Worksheet
6: Change, change, change – Actions, Behavior Worksheet
7: Compatible or not? – Overview
THIRD PART – For the practicality
Practical Guidance – Communication
8: Two way channel – Effective communication
9: Your body doesn’t lie – Body Language
10: For our needs being met – Nonviolent Communication
11: Who is yelling is about to lose – Conflict Resolution
12: My rights, your rights, our rights! – Passive-Aggressive-Assertive Communication Style
13: Weapon against inflicted guilt and shame – Manipulation
14: Bid by bid – Emotional connection
15: – Good bye
– Understanding about your partner and your main characteristics
– Assess the two of your compatibilities
– Survey the main clashing points
– Working out an action plan for problem solution
– Tools on how to approach and resolve problems
– Practice to relax and be more calm and reliable in every area of your life
– Practice to visualize your wishes and prepare yourself realizing them
Implemented on the newest Online Coaching Tool; “JigsawBox”
After registration the content is immediately accessible Online.
At the end of the chapters you find the interactive section: I already set up series of question for you, and I can check your answers, but you are also allowed to ask questions or leave comments.
I check your work every each day – this way we can maintain daily online contact if you wish.
Price: $ 147 Payable through PayPal at the registration.
Don’t worry the program automatically leads you there and back to your new JigsawBox Account where you access the “WISE LOVE” Program. Easy to follow links!
(No need for PayPal Account, payable with Credit Card via PayPal)
BONUS: 20 Minutes Skype Video call!
I am sure it can help you!
Money back guaranty! If you don’t like it, I send your money back within the first 7 days.
Don’t hesitate! It can save your relationship!