In the “Dependent in Charge” Manipulation Game someone who depends on you plays the role of authority and commands you with the “in charge” attitude When I moved to my Grandfather’s house who I loved dearly, we had some rocky years. He and his second wife were in their late years. Their health declined …
Tag: argument
Contradiction and its communication between people.
Sep 12
Manipulation Games 1: The “One Upmanship Expert”
In this Manipulation Game the manipulator is expert in any possible topic, corrects your smallest mistakes, finds your weak points and reminds you of them with pretending being of your help At times, I think I am an expert and armored against it. But yet again, I am struck again. In the middle of a …
Jan 17
Revealing Emotional Manipulation
Do you catch yourself doing sometimes what you don’t want to just to avoid being ridiculed, criticized, put down, labeled or other way pressurized? This presentation is for you! I have no doubt about that we are all affected: parents, partners or the salesman in the door sometimes try to get us doing something, what we …
Dec 16
Why does Christmas seem so difficult sometimes – and how acceptance can save it?
Relate to our loved ones flaws and mistakes with acceptance can make the difference between happy or resentful Holidays. No matter which culture or religion, this time of the year when the days are the shortest as well as the coldest, we all want to withdraw ourselves into our cozy den and feel the …
Nov 16
What to do with relative’s nit picking during Holidays?
“Stop it! I don’t like it!” The holidays are rapidly approaching. We are all getting more excited as well as more afraid: what will my mother, father, aunty, or uncle do or say in the family gathering? What if they criticize my new flat, hair, boyfriend, job or cooking? What if they remind me …
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