Tag: relationship problem

New Year’s Relationship Resolution Checklist

Courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net "smokedsalmon"

Is Your Relationship Fairly Balanced or Does It Need Some Resolution for the New Year? Closing the old year and starting a new one based on our achievements, career, physical or financial well being, we might also tinker about the current state of our relationship. Some people know exactly what would be desirable to change; …

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How to protect our children from manipulation?

With open, straight communication and with insight to what’s going on the surface and in the hidden level. The 3 important points I can summarize in regards to the complex task are: A: We must not use manipulative techniques to control our children’s behavior! We need to take responsibility for our words, actions, and requests! …

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When to express when to hide our feelings?

Expressing  feelings in “Nonviolent Communication” Whoever has heard about the nonviolent communication might remember the following points: 1: Observe what’s happening. 2: State the feeling that is generated as well as its underlying causes. 3: Identify the need behind the feeling 4: Request an action. I am one of many therapists who often suggest this …

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Who Is Yelling Is Losing

Who is yelling is losing…   My aunt said this often to me.   The first time I heard it as a child, it sounded like utter nonsense. Adults who raised their voice seemed to be so big and powerful if not outright threatening. At the same time, there is some truth in it: they …

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How do you know if someone is manipulating you?

Listen to your feelings! 1/ What are you doing? – Whose interest does it serve: yours or others? Are you doing what you prefer not to do? Are you on a mission by doing some favor for your family members, friends or acquaintances? Yes? – You might be manipulated.   2/ What are you feeling …

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