Tag: vulnerability

Manipulative girlfriend – will I attract another one?

Question: “My last girlfriend was extremely manipulative and I never saw it coming. She had me twisted around her little finger until her every whim was met and then she dumped me. I’m really worried I’ll attract another girl like this, what do I need to look out for?”   Answer: “Thank you for this …

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When to express when to hide our feelings?

Expressing  feelings in “Nonviolent Communication” Whoever has heard about the nonviolent communication might remember the following points: 1: Observe what’s happening. 2: State the feeling that is generated as well as its underlying causes. 3: Identify the need behind the feeling 4: Request an action. I am one of many therapists who often suggest this …

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Six Signs of an Abusive Relationship

425.280.2643 Would you be aware of it if you were in an abusive relationship?  At my most recent check up, a pretty nurse prepared me for the visit. Her fine face was decorated by a dark circle encompassing her eye – almost surely caused by the viscous hand of her “loved one”. She was obviously …

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Unconventional Parenting?

Being in body contact with our small children most of the time considered unconventional? Really? How long do you look back in time?   After the Time Magazine Cover Story: “Are you mom enough?” the age old parenting debate gained new momentum. Interestingly we easily got strongly emotional about it. No wonder: how we were …

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Why does Christmas seem so difficult sometimes – and how acceptance can save it?

Relate to our loved ones flaws and mistakes with acceptance can make the difference between happy or resentful Holidays.   No matter which culture or religion, this time of the year when the days are the shortest as well as the coldest, we all want to withdraw ourselves into our cozy den and feel the …

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