Listen to your feelings! 1/ What are you doing? – Whose interest does it serve: yours or others? Are you doing what you prefer not to do? Are you on a mission by doing some favor for your family members, friends or acquaintances? Yes? – You might be manipulated. 2/ What are you feeling …
Tag: family
Aug 21
Six Signs of an Abusive Relationship
425.280.2643 Would you be aware of it if you were in an abusive relationship? At my most recent check up, a pretty nurse prepared me for the visit. Her fine face was decorated by a dark circle encompassing her eye – almost surely caused by the viscous hand of her “loved one”. She was obviously …
Jan 17
Revealing Emotional Manipulation
Do you catch yourself doing sometimes what you don’t want to just to avoid being ridiculed, criticized, put down, labeled or other way pressurized? This presentation is for you! I have no doubt about that we are all affected: parents, partners or the salesman in the door sometimes try to get us doing something, what we …