Tag: communication
Connection and information change; verbal - non-verbal, aggressive, passive, assertive, non-violent communication.
“What is on My Heart is on My Mouth!” “Keep Smiling!” “Who is the Boss?” In the maze of cultural expectations When I first came to the US, it was definitely comforting that people were polite to me and to each other. They kept smiling and kept sending encouraging messages to me such as …
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Guilt Trip, Silent Treatment, Threat, Attacking Self Esteem, Excessive Criticism and Provoking Competition – all can serve one goal: make you doing what the “provocateur” wants you to… What people consider manipulation might be defined differently case by case. The common outcome is making the target feel seriously uncomfortable if they don’t perform the will …
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Is Your Relationship Fairly Balanced or Does It Need Some Resolution for the New Year? Closing the old year and starting a new one based on our achievements, career, physical or financial well being, we might also tinker about the current state of our relationship. Some people know exactly what would be desirable to change; …
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With open, straight communication and with insight to what’s going on the surface and in the hidden level. The 3 important points I can summarize in regards to the complex task are: A: We must not use manipulative techniques to control our children’s behavior! We need to take responsibility for our words, actions, and requests! …
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Some of you might denounce me as a selfish, insensitive grump for what I am saying. Even with that, my opinion stands firm: using children as the sale’s workforce is the worst of the worst of manipulation. The Sport of Fund Raising This is the hundredth time that “Cookie dough”, “Wrapping paper”, “Coffee” or other …
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