Positive Psychology Truly Can Improve Our Quality Of Life I believe I am one of the few people who are the most committed to positive psychology. I am an incurable optimist. I love to refer the old psychologist example of the glass half full – half empty pointing out the attitude differences among people. I …
Tag: communication
Connection and information change; verbal - non-verbal, aggressive, passive, assertive, non-violent communication.
Sep 04
What if he makes me feel not good enough?
Question: “I have this feeling in my marriage that I’m never good enough. My husband often compares to his mother who was perfect, or his sister who does no wrong, and I am really resentful. How can I show him what this is doing to our marriage?” Answer: “Great Question! You are not alone with …
Jul 23
Manipulative girlfriend – will I attract another one?
Question: “My last girlfriend was extremely manipulative and I never saw it coming. She had me twisted around her little finger until her every whim was met and then she dumped me. I’m really worried I’ll attract another girl like this, what do I need to look out for?” Answer: “Thank you for this …