Who is yelling is losing… My aunt said this often to me. The first time I heard it as a child, it sounded like utter nonsense. Adults who raised their voice seemed to be so big and powerful if not outright threatening. At the same time, there is some truth in it: they …
Category: Parenting
Basics of parenting, attachment, building trust, encouragement, praise, reword, listening, acknowledgment, cooperation, consistency, structure, consequences.
Dec 15
Manipulation Games 5: Triangulator
In the “Triangulator” Manipulation Game the manipulator forms temporary alliance with someone and turns him or her against others Who hasn’t done that before: triggering the competitive side of siblings to gain easy compliance? “Who will be ready with dressing up first?” “Who has the cleaner room?” “Who has the better progress report?” The kids …
Jan 17
Revealing Emotional Manipulation
Do you catch yourself doing sometimes what you don’t want to just to avoid being ridiculed, criticized, put down, labeled or other way pressurized? This presentation is for you! I have no doubt about that we are all affected: parents, partners or the salesman in the door sometimes try to get us doing something, what we …