I am an MA psychotherapist in private practice. My goal with this blog to help you solving your everyday emotional difficulties with the help of my psychological knowledge and experience.
Author's posts
Mar 17
What to do with inevitable STRESS?
PSYCHOFITNESS More presentations from Zita Fekete PSYCHO FITNESS What to do to handle inevitable stress? LAUGH Why? There is activity in Pleasure Center : Nucleus Accumbens ; 1-Stimulates the immune system 2-Releases “feel good” neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin & endorphins) How? Tell jokes, watch comedies, surround yourself with people with sense of humor. RHYTHMIC …
Jan 07
The Nature and Necessity of Sleep and Dream
Video of a presentation in a local Network Group about Sleep The Presentation that can be seen in the video – completed with the basics of Dream 425.280.2643
Sep 04
What if he makes me feel not good enough?
Question: “I have this feeling in my marriage that I’m never good enough. My husband often compares to his mother who was perfect, or his sister who does no wrong, and I am really resentful. How can I show him what this is doing to our marriage?” Answer: “Great Question! You are not alone with …