I am an MA psychotherapist in private practice. My goal with this blog to help you solving your everyday emotional difficulties with the help of my psychological knowledge and experience.

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Mirroring, mirroring…

Why couples seem so similar after many years spent together? Partly because they accustomed to mirror each other’s posture, gestures, tone of voice, many times meta-communication, even the negative ones. The more you know about your unconscious reaction, the more you understand what your partner goes through… Shortly after our first anniversary, my husband and …

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What to do with inevitable STRESS?

PSYCHOFITNESS More presentations from Zita Fekete PSYCHO FITNESS What to do to handle inevitable stress?   LAUGH Why? There is activity in Pleasure Center : Nucleus Accumbens ; 1-Stimulates the immune system 2-Releases “feel good” neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin & endorphins) How? Tell jokes, watch comedies, surround yourself with people with sense of humor.   RHYTHMIC …

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What to do with dirty fighters?

 425.280.2643 Hi, this is Zita Fekete with “Ask an Expert!”  Answering your love and relationship questions. Question: “I feel like my husband is a dirty fighter. He calls me names, he’s manipulative, he gives me the silent treatment. How can I get him to stop acting like this and fight with me in a fair …

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The Nature and Necessity of Sleep and Dream

Video of a presentation in a local Network Group about Sleep      The Presentation that can be seen in the video – completed with the basics of Dream     425.280.2643

What if he makes me feel not good enough?

Question: “I have this feeling in my marriage that I’m never good enough. My husband often compares to his mother who was perfect, or his sister who does no wrong, and I am really resentful. How can I show him what this is doing to our marriage?” Answer: “Great Question! You are not alone with …

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