I am an MA psychotherapist in private practice. My goal with this blog to help you solving your everyday emotional difficulties with the help of my psychological knowledge and experience.

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  1. 4 Reasons Why ADHD Is Epidemic in America (but not in Europe) — 2 comments

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4 Reasons Why ADHD Is Epidemic in America (but not in Europe)

Considering ADHD our focus might be in the wrong place   Thanks to the challenge made by one professor of pediatrics, the ADHD argument received new momentum recently. In his published opinion, “ADHD does disservice to children as a diagnosis,” Dimitri Christakis, of Seattle Children’s Hospital said he considers that the “attentional capacity” varies from …

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Psychotherapy beyond the Magic

Short talk at Mukilteo Chamber – Meet Up Network Group in January the 6th 2016     You find the slides on the bottom of the page in clickable format.   Thank you very much for having me! Good morning everyone!   My name is Zita Fekete, my business is Sound Soul Counseling. This is …

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Unreasonable Expectations

Pushing more assignment into a limited time frame then it is possible to achieve put us under enormous pressure. Whenever someone demands us to accomplish his or her Unreasonable Expectations he/she does not consider neither our rights, interest and/or feelings – nor the reality.  If no one else does, you need to protect yourself from …

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Positive Psychology – with Honesty and Modesty

Positive Psychology Truly Can Improve Our Quality Of Life   I believe I am one of the few people who are the most committed to positive psychology. I am an incurable optimist. I love to refer the old psychologist example of the glass half full – half empty pointing out the attitude differences among people. I …

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Acknowledge Feelings

Acknowledge Understand Accept Empathize Importance is in this order         When I was a new immigrant to America, iI was exposed to many unfamiliar things coupled with complete bewilderment. Shortly thereafter, I was attending a local college to learn English as a second language. At the end of the year, I was …

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